May 4, 2014

Summer at Kamana Sanctuary

Back with my previous company, we usually alternate off site venues between North and South. South would (most of the time) mean Laguna or Cavite. I prefer North since I studied in UPLB for four years. Good thing this year with the new company that I'm working with, we went up North specifically Subic. Never had a chance to visit Xtremely Xpresso though but the place made up for it anyway. Say hello to sunshine and blue skies.
Yours truly lounging in the balcony like the true blue tourist.
We had games in the afternoon and our team won. I never got the chance to play, lol. I had the mandatory winning team shot though.
Did also a roam around the place. We did not try swimming at the beach because there was a big warning sign of jellyfish in the area so were stuck with the infinity pool. I don't have a "blog postable" shot for that. It was a photogenic place though.

This jump started my summer (I know... late blog) and I'm hoping for another summer trip.

In other news, my sister and I booked plane tickets for Korea this year! I'm going back there in October and I'm so excited because this time, it's autumn. But before planning, I need to give myself a tan even just a little bit. Hopefully, that reaaallly happens.

May's already here and summer's ending soon! Why so fast, time? :/

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